Sunday 22 May 2016

Boss: Angra Mainyu with Zarich and Tawrich

Angra Mainyu: Super boss

Zarich & Tawrich: The boss's lackeys

Appearance: FFX-2

 Angra Mainyu concept. Tawrich is on the left, Zarich on the right

Last week we talked about the Ahriman and learned that it is another name for Angra Mainyu. This week we'll look at the two sub-bosses that accompany the Angra Mainyu in FFX-2.

In Final Fantasy X-2 the Angra Mainyu and it's companions can be found in the Bikanel desert. It was once sealed by the Cactuar Nation but has been awoken by the Al Bhed's excavations. Seriously, all archaeological work in fiction seems to awaken sealed demons.

In Zoarastrian lore Zarich and Tawrich are both Daevas of Angra Mainyu. The Daevas were the highest servants of Angra Mainyu, personification of lies and chaos. These beings initially started as powerful spirits representing facets of the natural world. Over time they became something more akin to what we would consider demons. The eternal enemies the Daevas are the Amesha Spentas under the command of Ahura Mazda.

The female members of the Daevas, which Zarich and Tawrich both are, may also be sometimes referred to as Druj. This term means something like 'deciet/lie' and often stands in opposition of aṧa, 'truth'. Tawrich is the personification of hunger whilst Zarich embodies old age and aging.

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