Thursday 2 June 2016

Summon: Ramuh

Ramuh: Recurring thunder element Summon


First up in our mini series on the Summons appearing specifically in Final Fantasy III is Ramuh. Why Ramuh? Honestly, I just chose him at random. As can be seen from the list above Ramuh has appeared in quite a few games since his first appearance. His appearance is that of a sage old man and governs the element of lightning. Ramuh is also one of the few summons that has had interactions with the party. In both Final Fantasy VI and IX Ramuh gives console to both Terra and Garnet in a time of need. The Summon's signature attack is Judgment Bolt.

There is no direct link between Ramuh of the Final Fantasy games and any entity that I could find in mythology.  That being said, Ramuh is probably based on Rama from Hindu mythology. Rama was an incarnation of the god Vishnu born as the first son of the King Dasharatha.One of the main texts featuring Rama's deeds is the Ramayana, a text as old as 1,500 BCE in the oral tradition with the Sanskrit version dating from around 400 BCE.

A quick summary of Rama's life: Rama was the eldest of King Dasharatha's three sons, all born to different wives. Rama was to succeed the throne but the mother of the second eldest son became fearful of Rama and forced him into exile with his wife, Sita. During their thirteen year exile the couple manage to tick of the demon king Ravana who promptly kidnaps Sita. Rama and his allies go to war against Ravana. The heroes win and they get Sita back but there are some rumors she may have had a side helping of Ravana. Despite going though a trial by fire public opinion forces Rama to exile his beloved. They don't get a happy ending together, at least in most versions of the tale.

They key links between Rama and Ramuh are their roles as judicers. In his later life Rama served as king for over 10,000 years in a time of peace and just rule. As an avatar of Vishnu Rama represented the ideal king. Though Ramuh is not a king he is regarded as a wise elder figure and counselor. 

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