Thursday 7 July 2016

Equipment: Hope's Weapons pt 2

Weapons: Hope's Basic Boomerangs part 2

Appearances:  Final Fantasy XIII

There were two many base level boomerangs to fit in one post last week. So this week we have the last four of Hope's basic weapons.

The demon Malphas

Vidofnir or Víðófnir is a creature that appears in a single 17th century Norse manuscript- the Fjölsvinnsmál. Vidofnir is mentioned as a cockerel. Fjolsvith says that is the only meat that will 'leap within' his hounds whilst they eat. The bird is said to live at the top of Mimameith, Mimi's Tree, which is most likely another name for Yggdrasil the World Tree. Mimi's spring was said to lie at the base of one of the tree's roots. You can find a translation here. Vidofnir is mentioned in stanza 18.


The Simurgh does appear in other Final Fantasy games and I'll most likely redo this creature again with new details and in a different context. The Simurgh is primarily from Iranian mythology but can be found across several countries.

The Simurgh generally takes the form of giant bird like creature strong enough to carry off an elephant. It can either appear as something akin to a phoenix or bearing a closer resemblance to a griffon. It can have a canine, leonine or human face. There is a tale that the Simurgh is comprised of a flock of thirty birds. Some say the creature's body is that of a peacock, yet others give it coppery plumage. One thing that stays the same is that the Simurgh is benevolent and female.


Malphas is a figure from medieval demonology. He crops up in John Weir's 1583 Pseudomonachia daemonum. There he is described a crow like demon which wears human clothing. He is apparently quite the builder of high towers.


This bird comes from southern Chilean mythology. It is said to be a large nocturnal bird which subsists on precious metals. Its feathers are said to glow with a soft golden light. Because of it's ascociation with gold and silver there is a mining company that bears the bird's name.

One of the several forms that the Simurgh can take

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