Wednesday 13 July 2016

Hope's Boomerangs Pt 3

Weapon: Hope's second tier boomerangs

Appearance: Final Fantasy XIII

Onto the second last entry for Hope's boomerangs. Lucked in with two different vulture kings this week from different corners of the globe. On a side note there will be no entries for next week as I will be away.

Ravana cutting off Jatayu's wings. By Raja Ravi Varma.


A boomerang that cuts through the sky.  Not much to this one


Eagle + Talon, pretty self explanatory.


An Amazonian deity from the Mamaiuran people. Urubutsin was a great vulture who was king of the birds. In the beginning there were so many birds in the sky that the world was draped in eternal darkness. The people of the land lived in fear of constant attacks from wild beasts. So it was that two brothers, Kuat and Iae, decided to take on Urubutsin. They hid themselves by an animal carcass and presently Urubustin came down to feed. The brothers captured the great vulture and 'pursuaded' him to release some of the light. Kuat became the sun while his brother Iae became the moon. 


Jatayu is another vulture king, this time he heralds from India. In the epic poem the Ramayana, an elderly Jatayu fights with Ravana the king of the Rakshasa (akin to demons). Ravana had taken Jatayu's daughter-in-law. The great vulture vowed to do everything in his power to save the girl. Though he was able to inflict many wounds on the King of Rahshasa, Ravana eventually slew Jatayu with his sword.

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