Sunday 3 July 2016

Monster: Zaghnal

Zaghnal: A Powerful beast

Appearances:  FFIX, FFXII

Zaghnal from Final Fantasy XII

In all the appearances of the Zaghnal it is a bulky beast type monster, yet it's name is actually take from a weapon. Today's entry is a little more on the short side.

A zaghnal is a type of shafted weapon from India. They generally have one or two heavy curved blades mounted on an axe shaft. The curved blade resembles a crows beak, hence a common term of 'crow beak' or 'crow bill'. These weapons may have been used to hamstring horses though they would have been equally effective at delivering armor piercing blows. The Rajputs of northern India are noted to have used these weapons.

For a rather in depth debate about zaghnal check out this forum.

An example of a real zaghnal

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