Sunday 21 August 2016

Rare Game: Dreadguard, Crypt Bunny and Spee

Rare game: Two bunnies and an owl-bear

And we're back after our week hiatus. Sorry about that but now we're back on track with some more rare game from Final Fantasy XII.


This creature is a derivation of another standard enemy, the Mirrorknight. In the in game lore the Mirrorknights were high ranked war beast attributed the rank of knight. The Dreadguard were the elite of the Mirrorknights. More on the Mirrorknights later.

Crypt Bunny

The Crypt Bunny makes its home in the Feywood. A crypt is a vault located under a church which normally contains coffins or relics. The Crypt Bunny has a further link death as, to spawn the bunny one must defeat Tartarus and Cerberus enemies. Both these enemies are either an underworld location or the gatekeepers of the underworld.


A form of Mu bunny from the Salikawood. This one is most likely onomatopoeic, based on a cuteness sound kinda like 'squeeee!'. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound of the object it's describing. In English we have words like 'oink', 'roar', 'hiccup' or 'jingle'.

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