Monday 1 August 2016

Rare Game: Greeden, Bull Croc and Gavial

Three rather wolly crocodiles

Appearance:  Final Fantasy XII

This week happens to see the three different crocodile like rare game.

Greeden, the rather woolly croc.


This name is possibly a corruption of the word 'greed'. The Japanese name for this monster is グリード (gurido) which works as a transliteration for 'greed'. Other than that, not too much else to add.

The Bull Croc with jaws agape.

Bull Croc:

Another one that's pretty straight forward. Bull is the term used for male crocodiles and alligators. Females are called sows. The in-game explanation for the name is that this creature is aggressive like a bull.

The Gavial appears a bit more subdued here


At last, a name with a bit of background. The Gavial, also known as the Gharial- gavialis gangeticus, is species of crocodillian native to areas of the India through to Burma. Unfortunately, mostly due to habitat loss, the gavial is now listed as critically endangered.

These crocodillians prefer river habitats where they live on fish. The characteristic long slender snout of these creatures is full of small slender teeth adapted to this diet.

The name 'gharial' itself stems from the Hindi word 'ghara' meaning 'pot'. Adult gavial have a bulbous protrusion at the end of their snouts.

An actual gharial sun-basking at San Diego Zoo.

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