Sunday 7 August 2016

Rare Game: Wary Wolf, Kaiser Wolf & Lindbur Wolf

Appearences: Rare game from Final Fantasy XII

Today is something of a short entry. All three of the rare game wolves have fairly lite entries.

The Kaiser Wolf

Wary Wolf: 

An easy one. This wolf has a 7% spawn chance in its home region of the Mosphoren Highwaste making its appearance somewhat uncommon. Thus it's a wary wolf that stays away from people.

Kaiser Wolf:

Most people will be familiar with the term 'kaiser' being the German word for Emperor. The word ultimately comes from the historical figure of Julius Caesar. Variations on Caesar appear in quite a few European languages including Russian and Greek. Even though his name has become synonymous with 'Emperor', Julius Caesar was never actually and Emperor of Rome. True Caesar had near full control of Rome's governing body, the Senate, but his title was 'dictator perpetuo', 'dictator in perpetuity'. It was his adoptive son, Augustus (formally Octavian), who first assumed the title of Imperator.

Lindbur Wolf: 

I got stumped on this one. I haven't been able to find anything conclusive for this one. The name feels very familiar. It bears a passing resemblance to 'lindworm', a type of serpentine dragon with two legs, but I do not feel that is a very strong link. Perhaps it is simply a constructed name.

The Lindbur Wolf

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