Thursday 11 August 2016

Side character: Bhakti

Appearance: Final Fantasy XIII

Bhakti, the cute robot from Final Fantasy XIII

Bhakti is a small robot AI friend of Vanille, one of the party members from Final Fantasy XIII. He is found among the ruins of the character's home town where the party can opt to find the parts needed to fix the little trooper. Bhakti had been waiting for Vanille for countless years, never wavering in devotion to his mistress. This is behavior is sadly fitting for Bahkti as his name is a Sanskrit word literally meaning 'attachment' or 'devotion to'. In Bhuddism it also has the context of devotion or spiritual love to a personal god.

This was originally going to be a longer article on a different topic but I couldn't resist the cute little robot when I saw his name crop up in one of the other articles I was researching. So next week's weapon slot will have something somewhat related to Bhakti.

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